My piece for the tartali calendar 2024, I drew for September, tartali in summer festival wearing yukata😋

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It's late September, It's goth girl time

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I just moved into a new house, currently I'm too busy with my property until the end of September, so I haven't been able to draw anything...

*and this is wip for commission

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Last round of orders for 160cm Strippable Childe daki starts on 16th September, 12:01am Malaysia time!

part 1/2

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Otsukimi with UwU!! o((^▽^))o🎑

In September, everyone view the Harvest Moon.
Rabbit making Dango🍡(dumplings) on the moon.
We eat the Dango, dance, and enjoy viewing the full moon.

special thanks to ligaratus san, aintnoking san, OMR san, wao chan and

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✨September, from

The moon is beautiful, isn't it?🌙

In this link you'll find the pages that are already available, including back page for printing💖✨

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Starfield comes out in September, I wonder if it will be more fun than Fallout 4?🤔
『スターフィールド』は9月に発売されるが、『Fallout 4』より面白くなるのだろうか?🤔
Starfield在9月推出,不知會否比Fallout 4更好玩?🤔

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I sketched this last September, but just got around to finishing this today.

No matter what others may say, never stop fighting for a world and a future where you're free to can simply be. 💕You'll always have my support and love!!

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Kaine as Caesar and HM as Joseph has been worms in my brain since last September, I'm so glad I finally got to release the worms 🪱🧠✨️

// drew in the goobly style again, it's been a while. it's very fun teehee!! 🫶

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Here I am! Started drawing digitally last September, except for a very poor attempt like a year before…😅 and these are the drawings I’m the most proud of, even if they’re not the newest!

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The sketch was done on last September, but my speed is too slow so ┐(´д`)┌
Didn't finish until today (´・_・`)

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【Are there any Vtubers from Australia? 】
I'm going to Melbourne for 2 weeks in September, is there anything I should know before I go?


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So excited to see you in September, my birth month! You guys are going to have so much fun in the Philippines!

Wishing with all my heart I'll be able to get tickets ❤️ Love Hamilton!

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Hey everyone! Cam here with some super exciting news: Matchmaker is being published as a complete print collection, thanks to the amazing people at !! 280 pages, out this september, and up for preorder right now! This book is a dream come true! 💘

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Spiderman 2 venom actor tony Todd announces the game is out in September, GLOSSING OVER THE FACT TONY TODD IS VENOM IN SPIDERMAN 2

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X-Terminators No. 1, September, 2022. Tabitha, Jubilee, and Alison go out. Car trouble then then huge energy sphere! 🎉🚗⚡️#Jubilee

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