I can rest in peace knowing she got at least a settei of her own 🙏

3 21

full settei

1623 17246

until today I still wonder who drew this piece of hotspesscowboys art. I think it's the staffs coz it was dated '95 like in the settei because who else? (unless they're a time traveler)

1 10

settei dekita

4 48

I'm reading the settei for Love Live Sunshine and found Riko's mum available as a reference.
Unfortunately, there isn't one for Yoshiko's mother (the isekai version doesn't cut it because her redesign makes her look like Yoshiko's sister).

5 42

I thought he's whittling his knife but turns out he's carving a totem pole?

what does the totem pole even mean? it doesn't even get closure in the end. In the animu, it was half finished... in the settei, it was "finished"

0 8


46 80

Como ya me lo aprobaron, lo subo💖
Settei de mi personaje, Kairi.

3 22

Medarot studies from settei

19 295

Settei de Rin🦋

Desde hace unos días ando haciéndole un settei a Rin basado en el diseño adulto de Rumiko.
Probé expresiones basadas mayormente en el manga, y jugué con otros peinados, maquillaje y vestido de novia.

Lo hice para uso personal, pero quería compartirlo💖

94 375