render of: Shikuro Hinaki

My 2nd main Oc and Deuteragonist of: Shadows Of Our Past

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Finally after so long!!! Shadows Of Our Past has been released into the world!! AND I AM VERY TIRED- might've made a few errors but hey, i'm doing my best!!

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Shikuro vs Kai [Final]


Something for my story


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[ Kai Nakamichi ]

My MC of my series and a shounen protag (because i can't get over that trope for the life of me) He's p chill tho, but can be cool too.

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Drew my main OC and the Protagonist of my Comic: Kai Nakamichi for a small drawpile doodle

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Render of my Oc: Kai Nakakmichi

This was really fun to make! it was kinda tedious but i did it!

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