Just finished and by God was that an absolutely phenomenal novel. I've read countless EU novels and easily this earns a 10/10 imo. My heart felt fulfilled at the end of this story. Thank You Adam Thank you so very much for this epic story!

4 50

The more I read the more of an Expanded Universe novel it feels like.

3 65

On chapter 26 now of Star Wars: Shadows of the Sith and currently really enjoying the story. No spoilers, but it is a joy to have Lando and Luke together on a journey. The exploration of the Sith and the Force is truly engaging.

4 20

//So upon reaching Chapter 11 of Star Wars So far it is a very interesting story, Lando and Luke both written extremely well. I won’t spoil anything. But the exploration of the Force in this story is really interesting and only makes me want to learn more.

4 33