/ Day 15 - Scenting
For context, cats are known to rub their faces on someone to leave their scent & show affection 🥰

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/ Day 6 - Clawing/Scratching
Actually based off of my own cat scratching my hands when she plays 😂 My hands look like that, lol!

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/ Day 4 - Witchy - Kind of in a Modern AU with Sassy Catra 😂 Enjoy!
**Warning for some minor cursing**

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So starting a new campaign I mightve made a Beastbrood Tiefling named Hellcatra. Mightve also made saving her bff(+) from demons she accidentally attracted as her personal quest 😏😈🔥🖤🌈 NEED

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I still have to see the show, cuz I don't have netfix. Yes I sopiled myself half of the show. But AH OH MY GOD I LOVE THESE DUMBASSES😭❤️💕

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