These are some alien spaceship concepts for She-Ra that in the end, weren't used. The thinking was to find a balance between high tech and something evoking the feeling of creepy but beautiful bioluminescent deep sea critters.

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Reminder that Catra died for real and Adora brought her back to life, confirmed by the descriptive audio track.
"Shera turns and sees Bow and Glimmer kneeling around Catra's LIFELESS body"

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en un grupo donde estoy comenzaron a hablar mucho del tema xDD es lindo que aun después de finalizada la serie el fandom siga activo xDD

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Fiz uma fanart dessa cena pq amooooo esses olhares q elas trocam ❤️❤️
Personagens: She-ra e Huntara

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For I can't help falling in love with you... (Part 1)
I really liked this little bit from my recent she-ra animatic so I thought I’d make it into a little comic since Twitter won’t let me post more the 4 images at a time..

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2020 - Can’t help falling in love - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fan animatic

Since I did with all the other ones.. here are some of my favourite frames from my latest animatic...

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Just to prove I am still working on this animatic...It's got a lot of layers and effects so its taking longer than I hoped...I lost motivation with it for a bit there but I am determined to finish it...

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