☄️To amplify the sirens
And to find real amends
I'm through the echo-chambers
To other worlds away☄️
Day 4 of Blood

50 133

The Melancholy King - Sheith Knight AU
Parody of ‘King John’ by Herbert Beerbohm

247 900

“Don’t Go” - Sheith Knights AU
Parody of ‘God Speed’ by Edmund Leighton

456 1249

Fellas is it gay to have your first kiss with your best bro before the final battle

440 880

Keith gets a scar made by evil uncle firelord Zarkon after all, so a small change in the design, and after he joins the avatar gang Shiro just wants to make sure he feels welcome...right?

80 269

Sheith atla au aaaaaa I’m so excited to work on this! So! Avatar!Shiro and Fireprince!Keith, the story is mostly like the original with changes to introduce enemies to lovers sheith after Keith’s redemption arc 😏

120 338

Keith visiting Shiro 💕

addition to my previous arts

109 259

"Incompatible, a broken lone wolf that the full moon has forgotten"
wolf n bun au but keith going in harms way to protect a rabbit just as alone and broken

28 89

Just want more Galra Keith and sweet boys 💕

60 148

By the way у меня тут рисунок по офигенной аушке

38 130

So I see my Starfighter Sheith AU is going around again... so uhhh have some old SMUT

59 223


Here's my HighFashion!Sheith AU

68 180

Lips hit you like a drive by, frost bite
Ice cold, I mean they cut you like a sharp knife
Next page and I'm out again

Thief - Ansel Elgort

IDK what to call this au and then sheithwitch popped up but it sounds like food guys lol

22 54

requested Shiro helping MerKeith to take a selfie, he decided to appear in the picture as well. Keef will treasure it forever ❤️🖤🌊✨#sheith

294 482