comic <Across the Reality> Part 5/5 - 2 The MIRACLE
A story about 16 year old Shiro met 25 year old Keith for a time travel. And a LOVE STORY. Check my tumblr (tforyoi) for more related comics

5 19

comic <Across the Reality> Part 5/5 - 1 The MIRACLE
A story about 16 year old Shiro met 25 year old Keith for a time travel. And a LOVE STORY. Check my tumblr (tforyoi) for more related comics

4 13

comic <Across the Reality> Part 4/5 The Universe is calling me
A story about 16 year old Shiro met 25 year old Keith for a time travel

5 12

comic <Across the Reality> Part 3/5 Trust -2
A story about Shiro, 16 year old suffering from his illness, meets the 25 year old Keith who always believe in Shiro never giving up no matter which reality he comes from

5 12

comic <Across the Reality> Part 3/5 Trust -1
A story about Shiro, 16 year old suffering from his illness, meets the 25 year old Keith who always believe in Shiro never giving up no matter which reality he comes from

6 13

comic <Cross the Reality> Part 2/5
A story about Shiro, 16 year old suffering from his illness, talked to 25 year old Keith who always believed in Shiro never giving up before

7 17

13: Happy Ending
27: Sports
28: Protect/Attack

355 619

comic <Across the Reality> Part I / 4
A story about Shiro, the 16 year old Garry Garrison student who is suffering from his illness, meet the 25 year old Keith who already get used to call Shiro ‘Takashi ‘

24 57

I forgot to put this page lol.... so just attach the whole comic version in p2.....stupid me comic <guiding light>

5 11

Day 6: Post-Voltron (yeah this is super late lmao)

168 300

I can’t stop imaging Keith sang a song ‘I am flying in the Red Lion’ since I saw the interview…

And Everyone heard for AU

5 9

comic <I would die for you too, you are my guiding light > draw before s7e1... some canon meet while others not...

56 114

comic <call me Takashi>
Everyone call Shiro Shiro while someone close enough to call him Takashi.. stargazing

101 214

comic <first kiss> before s7 the team gives shiro and Keith a rest and Keith gives Shiro the first kiss... rest

272 483

I wanted to leave it for later, but I can not wait any longer🖤❤️#shiro

26 48

day 7. | royalty.
in which the paladins of Voltron become the newly formed Alliance’s leaders. Lance, Hunk, and Pidge all decline in favor of returning to their families. as they’re the only family they have, Keith and Shiro agree to co-lead as kings.

69 149

Sheith Month 2018 - DAY 13: HAPPY ENDING // T R A G E D Y


“…rest,” the broken man sobbed through the other’s still chest.

112 249

day 4. | no prompt/free day.

been so hot… swimming sounds like the best thing e v e r. 💦

24 38