‘Fire of Love’
In the Mood for Lava:
The most famous science couple since the Curies fall in love with their work and each other, even if it kills them.
Film-making at its boldest & most nerve-wracking.
Makes ‘Jackass’ look like ‘Before Sunset’.

9 149

‘Prey’ (🇺🇸2022)
📣 Blood Forest:
The best Predator movie to date!
Surpasses the original in emotional stakes, fight choreography, score + storytelling.
If you’ve never liked a Predator movie, this will change that 😉

15 181

‘Thirteen Lives’ (🇺🇸2022)
📣 Touching the Void:
Riveting, agonising, haunting, inspiring!
Two teams attempt the impossible at surviving 4km in a cave.
One of Thailand’s proudest moments,
And Ron Howard’s cinematic best.

32 271

'Let The Right One In / Låt Den Rätte Komma In' (🇸🇪2008)
📣Love Song For A Vampire: A friendship begins to blossom between two lonely 12-year-olds, despite a river of blood and an ocean of time. (1/3)

4 28

Synchronic (2019)
📣Se7en's Excellent Adventure: Two paramedics in New Orleans discover a trail of grisy deaths, and a roulette ticket to the past. (1/4)

7 26

'Cash on Demand' (1961🇬🇧)
4/5 (strongrooms)
Scrooge Heist: Ebenezer Cushing is forced to question his miserly ways when a thief begins taking his mountains of cash. (1/4)

2 19

'Odd Man Out'
- Best quote:🥇
JOHNNY: (Dying) "Is it far?"
KATHLEEN: (With revolver) "It's a long way Johnny, but I'm coming with you."

- Best quote for gym membership renewals:💪
"As long as he lives, he'll belong to the Organisation."

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