oh already a Sirk Sinematic Universe fan! ty ty

0 3

Tahun ini saya kembali menerima undangan (yang kelima) untuk menulis laporan industri sinema Indonesia dalam booklet MADE IN ASIA bagian dari festival film BIFAN, Korea.
Setelah dua tahun terpaksa menulis dengan kering berkerut, kali ini tidak lagi!

9 71

Ini Trailernya sudah mencangkup seluruh cerita.

Ceritanya monoton, bisa ketebak, sinematografi ya begitu aja. Nothing special, just wattpad story become a movie.

so sorry, but this one is a big no no https://t.co/prB6LHSzjR

0 0

2-12 Januari 2023

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24 41


Sinema announces she is officially an Independent.

Now that is the move of a Maverick™®© who will be all independently mavericky and unpredictable...wait
What's that?
Nothing changed except she jumped off of the horse (donkey) she rode in on after getting real paid?

1 0

Thanks for nothing Kyrsten Sinema.

Illustration originally created for in 2021.

0 2

Today's the day for presenting the matching icons from this year's Huevember icon event. ❤️
Featuring UrsineMajor, Speckledwolf, Bionicleming and Gherkin, thank you all!

5 41

Huevember icons 13-16
Thank you, Jellyfishlines, Varkaita, UrsineMajor and InsecteSubtil 💜

7 27

Karena nanti di serialnya Tira merupakan stuntwoman bukan crazy rich seperti di komiknya. Kayanya pupus sudah harapan melihat dialog maha dahsyat ini di Jagat Sinema Bumilangit.


17 56

'Jagat Arwah' jelas punya potensi besar. Materi ceritanya seputar pemuda yg ternyata punya bakat menjaga keselarasan dua dunia (manusia & arwah) amat menarik buat disuguhin sbg sajian horor fantasi. Meski belum sempurna, tapi tetap beri kesegaran tersendiri bagi sinema Indonesia.

102 448

Democrat in name only ….Kyrsten Sinema
spoke at the McConnell Center as a gesture
of support for -villain Mitch McConnell


3 4

Kyrsten Sinema spoke at the McConnell Center as a gesture of support for 👉villain Mitch McConnell

Mitch has posed an ongoing-threat to voting rights, Social Security & Democracy for decades.



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