x16 will be minted and swapped next week! These will be last Apes to be sold for tez, but not the last apes to be minted. Can't wait to show you what is coming!

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Singerie Ape
Origin: The Thinker Monkey from the Breviary of Mary of Savoy, c. 1430

Accepting a random offer of 8 tez after Monday 18.4, 22:00 CET

links 👇

2 12

just sent you a 24x24 onchain gift with the skull that can be found in the frame of your Singerie Ape
For now it can be viewed only in this list: https://t.co/zwZuWbgZRZ

1 2

Durer's Ape was sold for 35 tez. Amazing acquisition by creep! I personally thick this is one of the most unique and rare Singeries.

Floor now is 99 tez for Singerie Ape featuring the middle pipe smoker in this amazing Tavern scene by Emmanuel Noterman. https://t.co/7F8kwG0qgy

0 2

has some delay. I can't swap, but have these two for sale.
1/1 - 8 tez.
If somebody wants them, DM me!

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