Flashy Flash, Zombieman e Sweet Mask sono stati i soli tre Eroi (+Genos) presenti al meeting organizzato da Sitch, un dettaglio da non sottovalutare.

Il 'detective' Zombieman di nuovo in azione 🤩; il primo piano finale sul pensieroso Sweet Mask è tanta roba.


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📱🔊 Kim Possible

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは📡 で放送されていた📺アニメシリーズ で〜す💕🤗

📱🔊What's the sitch, Wade?

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One day I wanna be in this guy's sitch, but instead I'm saying "Ghost in the Machine has some disappointments on it, but Zenyatta is the only one of their albums where I can't confidently name the full track list, so that weakens it for me as far as deciding the spot."

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We still doing this? Well anyway here's a redo of an old ink i did in 2017. Peach is confused about this sitch, what seems to be the problem??

2017 ver 2020 ver

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Due to the COVID-19 Sitch, I've gotten furloughed; meaning I'm not working 'cept for my arts rn!
Consider supporting your Local Art Goblin by buying m ea coffee so's I can be caffeinated! 🍄🐌

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I woke up in Chicago, flew to Tennessee, worked through a TOUGH sitch, & only now got a chance to go on twitter. Dude, I know you don't like birthdays , so I drew you a birthday cake that hates birthdays too. Have a rad night. 🤘

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