There are horrors in this galaxy that only faith & steel can overcome.

Which is why, as Warhammer's vault closes:

We remind you that all content is up to 65% off.

Available for the next 6 hours only:

6 24

Great apostasies have been made to

As a cohort of heretek Tech-Priests change their beliefs & forsake the Omnissiah!

Sweep aside such corruption in our Heretek DLC & Heretek + expansion, both 40% in the event.

Buy now:

4 20

The Omnissiah's holy steel is armour around your souls this

As such, may you rejoice & give thanks with our Omnissiah Edition, now 65% off on

Into the teeth of our original soundtrack, Arc Scourge Weapon & more may you stride.

2 15

What have you picked up in the sale so far? Don't forget to check out the heap of stuff that's on sale!

💀 💀

2 5

As the Warhammer event continues:

Let us show you what passes for music among your misbegotten kind.

Come & bask in Noosphere & other such sounds that says "absolutely slaps."

Now 50% off on :

1 17

We're in the sale on To celebrate our three new characters for are OUT NOW! We’ve also put a bunch of content on sale too - Go check it out!

1 3

Games Workshop's event is our temple.

a sacred shrine.

Our added controller support is blessed,

Discounts up to 65% divine.

This ends June 1st at 6pm BST

So make controller support & content thine.

8 29