Act 4 P.07
Just a reminder!
The name of this Arc is ''Pirate Arc rerouted ''
so its a retelling of Joshes 'Pirate saga ' story he did shortly,
the crux of the story is the same but with Meeri in it and some minor changes.

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Act 4 P.03
drawing age lines on Zizis face and hands was more fun than I thought it would be.
Also when youre so mad and annoyed and (drunk?) that you tear up a bit can happen.

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Act 4 P.01
New Chapter new style ! haha
the poll I had made was a little iffed (every point got exactly the same percent)
So i just did color with a bit of halftone effect in the background.
Tell me what you think

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Act 3 P.49
TADAA! Oh boy! I know some of you have been waiting for this moment,
and since some have been asking for color aswell I decidet to make just this scene in color, Your welcome. ( I know I am corny As Fuuck)

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Some fluff cuz I need it
Having the summer blues lately so heres some shipping fluff for me and you haha
Look at the size difference! I love that so much,
expecially they're ...hands? Talons? you know what I mean.

1 30

DungeonMaster Doris
Been in human mode lately So I drew Doris haha shes probably my favorite human chracter in the comic she reminds me a bit of Clara from Drawn Together for those of you who remember that show.

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Act 3 P.34
Hands off.

Also, if anyone ever touches you in a way you dont like, feel free to do whatever is necessary to get out of the situation, yelling, punching, or like Meeri biting, as long as you get to safety.

2 24

Even more Ferragus art cuz I can

Its been a while since I drew his 6 year old self from the ''Kid Wyrm'' series from Josh's Patreon.
So here's young Ferri with Otho since yeah they go waay back. (also green eyes)

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Hey guys its been a while since I drew him and a month since Josh did so I was kinda red starved haha.

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(slight Gore warning)
Dont you Hate it when you're food Splashes all over you?
No? just me?
Was in a bit of a gory mood so yeah, none of this is Ferri's blood btw just the poor fella's with minus one arm.

1 23

Look I did a Thing in color!
Its been so long since I did something in color!
Also wouldn't you like to know what that big symbol is and means ~? Do try to figure it out.
Buut the text up top some or you should know, maybe.

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Meeri trying out some light spell.
It fit the christmasy vibe so I threw some christmas clothes on them.
(Choose green for him cuz red dragon in red santa suit looks weird to me).
I really like the horn cuffs/ hats.

4 27

Haaah I actually had that one floating around in my head for a while.
Josh basically said sometime ago that its unlikely that the parents will ever appear in the comics so fans are free to interpret and such (more in comments)--

1 19

Even more cute stuff
Tell me people at wich point does cute become cringe?
Also would you put Meeriana more into the cringe or edge basket? Or something in between?
I mean shes clumsy af and blushy, but also puts her hands in fire etc.

0 13

Buy the Shirt's!
Just something silly fueled by coffee and no sleep ugh.
So, you use youre Shirts as sleepwear too, or am I the only one?
They are really comfy and soft too.
I also might be obsessed just a little bit.
Do I need help?😶

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Just something cute because I couldnt help myself
I hope you like it.

Btw do you have patreon?
If so Follow Josh on it, you can watch KidWyrm series on there And he plans something big for the next weekend I think, and its cheap too.

5 26

Sooo funny story here
I actually just wanted to try to cellshade /color similar to what Josh does ....buuuut then went overboard again and now we have cellshaded characters with a soft shaded background.......ffff

0 19

Ups! it broke ~
the scales might be a bit off on the ship (thats a pretty thic pole) but eh I hope you like it . Waterdragons can cause havoc too if they desire , like sinking ships and flooding Harbors.

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This ones a bit more -artsy- if you wanna call it that.
Water dragons are almost invisable duo to ther colors underwater unless using magic .
I think I am gonna unvail her name in the next page of the comic maybe.

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