Tripping words on my tongue, I seek
in a world, which feels so bleak

In the auroral bonfires of the night
I find fragments of hope, burning bright.

Lost in her watercolour eyes,
I seek love and eternity


13 38

cut loose
a fledgling
scratching at the void
born again
to new gods
and wishing
for the sacrosanct end

rd 5

3 13

queen of
rules from a frigid throne
demanding loyalty
yet shards of ice
cut her cheeks
for she evokes fear
or perhaps anger
but never love
her heart hardening
in the absence
of true warmth
she will die
stone cold
& alone

📸: Ice Queen, CGlas

9 33

full moon rising
starry shadows
midnight magic

alabaster skin
onyx eyes
a crimson kiss

the sound of music
sweet, sweet music


oh, how it played …

8 36

I have seen you
fly stormy skies
on foggy mornings

ride cumulus clouds
down through ocean depths

your wake,
a shell of philosophy
like glass radiating
visceral beauty


5 23

Thank you for another round of Slamwords
Great inspiration this month ❤️
Have a wonderful June !

2 5

shutting pesky eyes
another hit
tumbling through turquoise heaven

rd 7

1 9

Aquamarine jewel
Turquoise heaven
Cerulean skies
Blushing maiden
Translucent waters
She glides within
Her hidden beauty
Waiting for Him.


13 35

Cities of light
noisy sites
keep it dark
love my space
like this
No hue & cries
indeed I need
just you & me
will be a bliss

Rd 9

1 7

~~Traded in her soul~~
to get her prize
an eternal love
to embrace nirvana
an unbreakable bond

1 8

~Guardian eyes of mine~
watching carefully
protecting me from harm
too vulnerable I was
under sky so so blue
by sorrows of my pain
all secure in arms
of his
embracing my life
with all his love

Rd 2

3 11

silvery hair unfurling
her shadow ways

as the moon peaks
atop the cherry blossoms

silent echoes
of polyphonic

Artist: Ivana Lena Besevic

8 23

Over the week, the trekkers noticed a monk who made his way to Summit B and then climbed down to Summit C & did it all over again.
"Why do you do that?" one of the trekkers asked the monk.
"Once I reach new heights, where then do I go?" the monk said with a smile.

4 16

Heart and soul
Liver too
Must remember
Two by two
Stir them in
Slow and steady
It all matters
The potion must be ready...

- round 3

5 15

- round 3

Your prompt this round: promise(s) of tomorrow


Write a Scene or Dialogue // *all styles-genres welcome*

14 24

~ Imperfect ~

grateful for
second chances &
a clean slate


My 📸

7 47

- round 2

Your prompt this round: a clean slate


Write a Scene or Dialogue // *all styles-genres welcome*

13 25

- round 1

Your prompt this round: beautiful horizon(s)


Write a Scene or Dialogue // *all styles-genres welcome*

15 29

Look to the North
And wait and watch
Upon wild winds
Shall they sweep south
Riders on the storm
With banshee cries
Their swords and shields
Brandished high
Eager for blood
They ravage the land
Destruction their aim
Vengeance their plan


2 9

7 wild horses run
into 7 colors
of a rainbow-filled horizon

Violet takes the flowery road
Indigo flies across painted clouds
Blue runs into star-ways
Green jumps across oceans
Yellow cascades into springs
Orange struts in candyland
Red gallops on fields of clay


2 11