Day 1085 “Rhubarb Still Life” (1919) Max Slevogt. Museum Georg Schäfer. Slevogt was an Impressionist painter, known for his landscapes. He was, together with Lovis Corinth and Max Liebermann, one of the foremost representatives in Germany of the plein air style.

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Francisco d'Andrade as Don Giovanni (1912), by Max Slevogt

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Francisco d'Andrade as Don Giovanni (1912), by Max Slevogt

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Guten Morgen, ihr Lieben!
Max Slevogt (1868–1932) 🎨🇩🇪
Dame mit Katze, 1902 🖼️
Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum Hannover

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Max Slevogt - Der Sänger Francisco d'Andrade als Don Giovanni in Mozarts Oper (1912)

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Il dissiluto punito, ossia

il Don Giovanni,
Opera Lirica by W.A. Mozart

premiered this day, 1787, Prague

Francisco D' Andrade,
by Max Slevogt, 1912

Teodor Currentzis, conducting, recording and speaking about Mozart and Don Giovanni

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Frau Aventiure, by Max Slevogt (October 8, 1868 – September 20, 1932)

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Max Slevogt - Faun and a Girl - before 1905

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