[#Pokemon] Part two of my gijinka/humanizations of my Pokemon Gold team (Haunter, Slowbro, Hypno) + lore bios!

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Post 4 of your favorite Pokemon and let people assume things of you

(Narrowing down a fourth was hard, but Slowbro, Feraligatr, and Tyranitar is basically my holy trinity) https://t.co/FQ1Kej5lHi

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Here's some results I got, in order; Galvantula/Slowbro, Typhlosion/Lucario, Articuno/Lucario, Charizard/Lucario

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Shiny Slowpoke, Slowbro, and Slowking

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I love you and your avatar slowbro, keep being awesome

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This is the evo, I'm undecided about the names 'cause Slowbrawl sounds close to Slowbro, but Slowchamp would be a good parallel to Slowking. If anyone has an even better name suggestion I would like to read it as well

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Quais seus pokemons favoritos? Eu gosto muito do Slowbro, do Snorlax e do Gengar.


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Mis favoritos son Torterra, smeargle, slowbro, mega lopunny, Reshiram y Blastoise Gigamax.
Me gusta la música rock, electrónica y pop.

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Slowpoke, Slowbro, Magnemite, and Magneton

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I suddenly and for seemingly no reason got super bummed out, but I took that and drew my most played pokemon in Unite: Snorlax, Slowbro, and Wigglytuff!

...though I think for this season my most played is Trevenant. I'll draw my boy Trevor another day!

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Amou as roupinhas de gala pra esperar a chegada do Ano Novo em grande estilo do Slowbro, Greedent e Blastoise? Pois é, mores, cerca de R$44,90 cada.

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Glace- Meowstic, Jynx, Mr Mime, Starmie, Reuniclus, Gallade (shiny)
Flambe- Delphox, Malamar, Gardevoir, Slowbro, Espeon, Bronzong
Tenwa- Alola Raichu (shiny), Hypno, Gallade (shiny), Bronzong, Exeggutor, Medicham
Datura- Oricorio, Xatu, Gardevoir, Bruxish, Metagross, Alakazam

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Wizzy- Bruxish, Espeon, Slowbro, Alakazam, Metagross, Gallade
Mixia- Mimikyu, Froslass, Chandelure, Aegislash, Gengar, Banette
Clarie- Espeon, Swoobat, Malamar, Alolan Raichu, Alakazam, Gallade
Kozora- Hypno, Espeon, Slowbro, Jynx, Alakazam, Gardevoir

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1K FOLLOWERS!!?/1 OH MY GAWWDD!11! It’s insane how fast this account is growing!
You guys really seemed to like my last slowbro, so here’s him expressing some gratitude for ur love! 🍑❤️👀

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anthro slowbro, would I ever live to see the day I'd actually draw her

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What can I say? Autumn colors are awesome, and shiny Spiritomb.

Honorable Mentions- Haxorous, Inteleon, Galarian Slowbro, and Runerigus

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march commissions pt 1 ft slowpoke, slowbro, & slowking /gastly, gengar, & haunter 💜

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