Chef & Ol’ Tender to the rescue! Incomers of the Bloated Goat, dealing with some unwelcome visitors.

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Feel the winter fire! Incomers of the Bloated Goat keeping our boarders safe.

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So... who self-publishes comics with a socially conscious message? We want to champion as many diverse and inclusive comics as we can today! Reply to this thread with details and let people know what you do!

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New season of Witches & Sorcerers starts next week! Lara has been replaced as Ravencraft’s intern!😱 What happens next?!

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Little bit more character design of the many species you’ll be meeting in Incomers of the Bloated Goat.

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This weekend I'll be selling stuff at the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo in Columbus Ohio! If you are in the neighbourhood, come by and say hi!

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Another from the files...which I’ve tweaked.

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Summoner Studios will be at WonderCon April 1st-3rd! Be sure to swing by and say hello!

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Process vid of Curfew. This was my first color comic so things were a bit rough but I’m happy w how it turned out.

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- from . Get your hands on a copy of this awesome book by , & now from Chris' BigCartel store, at the link below...

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- The Demon Gauntlet from . Get your hands on this superb book, from James' Bigcartel store, at the link below...

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