What project gets overlooked and your web 3.0 Fam hasn't jumped in yet?
is one of those for me. Smooth Yetis have so much going on yet I can't convince my 3.0 friends to join the party.

22 47

Just joined , I like what they're building. Picked up a couple RA's

9 29

This is my 2nd favorite . Love the clean 5-traits. Art is so smooth. Community is even smoother. Check them out!

8 19

It's New sneak peek to be revealed very soon!!! Less than a week until Radioactive Yeti Mint and staking soon after...LFG!!!

15 30

love the new sneak peek 👀!! my smooth diamond fur yeti will ride the smooth snowmobile 🥳🥳🥳

3 18