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"I, Skeletor, Master of the Universe, have awakened you!"
La ultima print nueva que tendré para @lamolemx !
#mastersoftheuniverse #motu #mattel #eternia #snakemountain #grayskull #lordofdestruction #skeletor #keldor #villain #retro #80s #cartoon #filmation
New Week 157 Entry
💥Viper Tower! ⚔️ 🐍
By @MichaelOdomArt
Plus other awesome entries for the Third anniversary of the #motudrawingchallenge by
And @lawtonbennie
#vipertower #mastersoftheuniverse #heman #motu #eternia #snakemountain #skeletor
Your reaction when you find out the home you've lived in, #SnakeMountain, was never yours to begin with and actually belongs to the other guy. #MOTU #Skeletor #KingHiss
Not gonna lie man, it would be fuckin awesome to live on #SnakeMountain! 💀🐍🌋
#HeMan #MastersOfTheUniverse #Skeletor #80s #toys #cartoons #supervillains #evil #snakes #skulls #volcanos #mountains #monsters #snakemen #myah
Snake Mountain des maîtres de l univers #snakemountain #skeletor #motu #grayskull #musclor #maitredelunivers #mattel #masteroftheuniverse #masteroftheuniverserevelation #toy #figurine #heman #dessinanimé #animation #wip #dessin #draw #illustration @netflixfr @mattel
Skeletor Postcard - pencils and ecoline on paper #skeletor #motu #mastersoftheuniverse #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #heman #evilwarriors #grayskull #snakemountain #ecoline #eternia #eighties #eightiestois #eightiescartoons #marcofailla
A warm up before working, the best toy ever
#battlearmorskeletor #skeletor #heman #motu #masteroftheuniverse #toybox #super7 #mattel #grayskull #eternia #snakemountain #snakemountain #straightouttasnakemountain #80s #toys #80stoys
Two new entries from @MarcoGreco79
Week 20: 💥Filmation Skeletor ⚔️💀
Week 5: 💥Original He-Man! ⚔️
Great work Marco ⚔️💪
#MOTUdrawingchallenge #heman #skeletor #motu #mastersoftheuniverse #snakemountain
💥Panthor! 💀 🐾
For Week 93 of the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge ⚔️
Artwork by:
Two from @DarthGarn
And @MichaelOdomArt with Faker!
#panthor #motudrawingchallenge #motu #heman #skeletor #motuart #snakemountain #mastersoftheuniverse #cats #shera
Week 93 of the #motudrawingchallenge
This Week’s NEW Drawing Challenge is Skeletor's evil feline companion...
💥Panthor! ⚔️💀 🐾
January 24 - 31, 2021
#motu #panthor #heman #skeletor #battlecat #warpaw #mastersoftheuniverse #snakemountain #motuart
Coming soon to Funko, a POP Town for the MOTU line! Looking forward to this one ~ Snake Mountain w/ Skeletor! #FPN #FunkoPOPNews #Funko #POP #Funkos #POPVinyl #FunkoPOP #FunkoPOPs #MOTU #SnakeMountain #MastersOfTheUniverse #Skeletor #HeMan
Continuing with Masters of the Universe and a bit of a Halloween themed post, here's my take on Webstor.
#motu #heman #mastersoftheuniverse #webstor #80scartoons #80stoys #halloween2020 #snakemountain
Some great MOTU Halloween
Fright Zone 2020 artwork from
💥The Unnamed One (X 2)
💥Snake Mountain
💥Scaredy (glow-in-the-dark)
#motudrawingchallenge #motu #catra #snakemountain #heman #theunnamedone #shera #twitterart #halloween
💀 The Masters of the Universe Halloween Fright Zone 2020 LOCATION Challenge has been unlocked by @shaneoid77
💥Snake Mountain! 🐍
This is a 5 Week Bonus Challenge. Hard to believe it has never been featured until now! ⚔️🎃 #MOTUdrawingchallenge #skeletor #motu #snakemountain
Color test 2 con la gran #Scorpia Esto ya me gusta más. #sheraandtheprincessesofpower @NetflixES @netflix #Hordak #gatia #MOTU #mastersoftheuniverse #mastersdeluniverso #evilforce #skeletor #Heman #grayskull #snakemountain @Mattel @DCComics @eccediciones #motu #art #illustration
Recent chibis
Mekaneck & Orko #HeMan #skeletor #manatarms #teela #merman #beastman #stratos #zodac #trapjaw #manefaces #triklops #evillyn #buzzoff #faker #ramman #fisto #jitsu #orko #clawful #kobrakhan #mekaneck #snakemountain #castlegrayskull #motu #motuclassics #chibiart #chibi
The recent motu chibis
Clawful and Fisto #HeMan #skeletor #manatarms #teela #merman #beastman #stratos #zodac #trapjaw #manefaces #triklops #evillyn #buzzoff #faker #ramman #snakemountain #castlegrayskull #motu #motuclassics #chibiart #chibi
#MastersOfTheUniverse Collector’s Choice #SnakeMountain Playset From @super7store