Oh y de paso, Ray y Amaides están aplicandose un Snydercut... eso si a Ray le falta ser edgy y ponerse en T pose mientras suena Pruit Igoe and Prophecies.

7 58

Continue. Just fast-forward a few years after the Henry Cavill & Amy Adams would crush it. https://t.co/9rgpG1ZjAD

0 1

A coluna de passiva tóxica do Ezra Miller no

7 102

✨SERÁ QUE VEM AÍ? servindo mais um rumor, de acordo com , um filme do Átomo está em desenvolvimento.

Ryan Choi, personagem que já usou o manto de Átomo, aparece no Snydercut.

21 316

Congratulations 👏👏👏 We hit 1 million times I am proud to be part of this as member and The army has your back guys! 💜

34 86

You ain’t never seen them act like this before.

& take their victory lap after the long-awaited release of ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’ AKA the Plus Black Widow, Zatanna, and more!

Tap in: https://t.co/KRNtN5Epxb

9 7

So many cliffhangers sir
The general audience are innocently looking forward to see more of it. The whole world loved
It's time to

151 238

✨Segundo , o ator Trevante Rhodes havia sido o escolhido para interpretar o Lanterna Verde John Stewart na

O site diz ele chegou a gravar cenas para o filme.

35 745

- En esta toma vemos a Batman con algunos criminales atrapados. Pero se trata de 'Los Mutantes', de los más peligrosos enemigos de Gotham.

En los cómics, fue una pandilla que se adueñó de la ciudad cuando Batman se había ausentado.

12 77

A Warner tem que agradecer muito ao Zack Snyder pelo que ele fez com o Flash do Ezra Miller na Depois dessa cena aqui, tanto ele quanto o filme solo dele passaram de desacreditados pra um dos mais hypados do DCEU!

606 4449

Anyone who’s followed me for a couple years will know I was anxious for more Alfred content in the I’ve been totally spoiled.

0 2

But not everything is perfect. I didn’t like in the It was the only character that I felt the theatrical cut actually improved. Visuals, techniques and his plot are superior in ZSJL, but the character itself felt so weird and disconnected from the rest. 14/

10 70

Comunicado da HBO Max sobre o vazamento do

"'Liga da Justiça Snyder Cut' estava temporariamente disponível na HBO Max e o erro foi corrigido em minutos."

Via: [https://t.co/eFiUAPlDg3]

7 64

Andy, please listen. That image comparison is COMPLETELY wrong when discussing the You keep saying how Zack’s making us see “less picture”, which isn’t true. Here are two example comparisons. Look at the edges and then at the top/bottom. We are getting MORE not less. https://t.co/LT4AS9TYdd

0 0

Zack Snyder revela nuevo arte de SUPERMAN, (Henry Cavill ) para el Ve más de esta creación mañana en el

14 63

Sobre ese cameo al final del 🧐

36 744

⚡ Zack Snyder liberou novas imagens de Liga da Justiça: Temos liga reunida, Ciborgue, Batman e Rainha Mera.

O filme chegará ao Brasil no dia 18 de Março, e estará disponível em VOD

3 76

In occasione della Release su HBOMax, la manderà alle stampe 3 Variant a tema di (in uscita il 16 Marzo), firmate e

1 2

I don’t see why I’m seeing so much chaos and conflict with these films releasing the near same time frame. Why can’t we be excited as fans for both or why must one be ousted by the other to prop up? We should be excited next month for

0 16