Screw the screw whatever James Gunn is going to do, we need THIS Superman movie.

7 17

I’m tired of PG DC. I want R-rated DC. Yet, if you want to keep it PG, I won’t mind but give me the the R-rated version. Is it too much to ask for and more? I don’t think so!

89 345

Good morning ! M ay 2020 we broke the internet with ‘s announcement.

But you, restoring the SnyderVerse, after how well ZSJL was received, will break it so much more !
Give yourself your first HUGE win and make us happy 😃

13 35

We NEED to see these guys come back, .
And the only way is if you
which you can start when you

2 6

Ha llegado el momento de unirnos y volverlo a pedir a llegado el momento de volver a soñar que es posible, a luchar codo con codo por lo que queremos, por lo que merecemos. La Esperanza es inmortal siempre permanece.

16 45

The Age of heroes will come again. It has to!
you gotta . There's a lot of money hidden in the Snyderverse, all it needs is a little tickle!

353 936