It's not that you suck, it's just that technology has a way of becoming that much better.

If my own miscalculations and recent trends are to believed, I'll be worse than a machine quicker than I thought.

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Human-driven understanding of the emergent behaviors that are produced in large neural networks so far eludes us.
And that's a problem, because the easiest way to control something is to understand how it works.

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I am a hypocrite, or, maybe, a hippocat. I critique the state of AI, and I use the tools I critique. I'm sorry.

The problem doesn't become better if algorithms use only licensed and public domain data, as there is no way to verify this.

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I was hoping with the AI race that we would see similar investments in computer science education as with the space race, but so far, all I see is inertia.

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Cryptocurrencies are obviously an example of this, are there any other up-and-coming technologies whose risks to the environment outweigh their benefit to society?

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There are some things you can't afford to mess up; all other jobs, however, are threatened by AI.

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What do you think is one (or a few) ways we can get AI to be more empowering and augmentative for more people?

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With ChatGPT it's like:

Visit the blog for more posts and some commentary:

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Generative content has a real danger of becoming an echo chamber. Echo chambers do not discover, they do not inform, they simply parrot. Content generators must instead become learners and teachers.

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We can argue the merits of what should and should not be allowed, but at the end of the day, these decisions will ultimately be up to powerful corporations, and, perhaps more saliently, their investors and payment processors.

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Even a perfectly representative snapshot of society contains all of its biases. What happens when generated content starts feeding back into society? How do we systematically study its effects?

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It's THIS MONTHS PATREON ROUND UP! Thank you to everyone who has supported me and GOD DAMN CONTINUES TO DO IT.

These ones are for SoftCatMemoris, Talash, Vixie and Cyfr.


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sketch com for @/SoftCatMemoirs big Bun paws !

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Oh dear... a guest appearance, and she isn't impressed.... I guess i have to keep going.....

(donations go to , and lycia belongs to @/SoftCatMemoirs <3)

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