Huh.. How can it be that only today I noticed how bloody awesome those shoulders from Highmaul/BRF mythic look? 😱

0 19

My, you're a tall one!

Srsly. Why are NPC so huuuuge? 🤔

2 22

Getting monk-Senthiel ready! She's still 111 because.. well. Not much time. 🤷‍♀️ But 100% bonus XP sounds good!

0 6

btw... is there any way of checking if you already did a Horrific Vision in he current week with your character? I'm loosing track. An problem, you know?

1 22

Logged on an old, rather neglected, poor alt. Still 110 and she's got the Legion-bubble. Almost forgot about the bubble. I miss it again now!

0 5