“Another concept from this was an idea I wish made it in. A showdown upon the roof of the Falcon. Inspired by True Lies, one of my fav films.” - concept artist Vincent Jenkins


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“Another gang from the early days on overseeing the mines on Kessel.” - concept artist Adam Brockbank ()


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“This was an early keyframe illustration for showing Han as a complete fish our water fighting with the Empire on Mimban.” - concept artist

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“This was a [redesign] of an existing speeder seen in the background of For Neil Lamont wanted to give it a [more] industrial look so it could sit comfortably in the docks on Corellia.” - Matthew Savage

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“When were looking at the Mimbanese in I pitched the species that became Aromae Iselo... I thought his breathing tube ‘horns’ would be ideal for a Mimbanese rebel fighter to lurk hidden in the mud.” - Jake Lunt Davies

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