John Jaques Somerscales. ( 1842-1927 British).Kingston Upon Hull
By the time he was 21 he was a Naval Schoolmaster on HMS Cumberland and indeed continued doing this on many ships until he had a fever and was discharged from the Royal Navy in Valparaiso. Sorry no more room

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"Mid-Channel" by Thomas Somerscales (1842-1927)

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27 juin 1927 : Décès de Thomas Somerscales, peintre anglais

Engagé dans la Royal Navy, il quitte celle-ci et s’installe au Chili. Sans aucune formation artistique, il se lance dans la peinture. Passionné par la mer et l’histoire maritime

Combat naval à Iquique, huile sur toile

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A Barque Running Before a Gale.Thomas Jacques Somerscales

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“A barque running before a gale” by Thomas Somerscales. Although a British artist, he did most of his painting in Chile.

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Buenos días. Sábado. Good morning. Saturday.

Painting: A clipper running before the wind by Thomas Somerscales

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'Barque Running Before a Gale' by TJ Somerscales
The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich has a wonderful collection - perfect for inspiration when writer's block threatens...

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The Sinking of the Esmeralda - Thomas Somerscales, c.1885

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