Anyway. As small as they are, robins are aggressive and territorial, I've seen robins attack other birds and it wasn't a pretty sight. Watch out, Connor 😂

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Damian with an over affectionate Titus - anyone else hate how DC Comics have both Ace and Titus at the same time? It's just frustrating…

2 15

I hope we get to see more of maya some time in the future I miss my girl :(

1 12

I love Goliath. You love Goliath. Is anyone out there who doesn't love Goliath? The answer is no. I really think Dami and Rae would spend an entire afternoon just hanging around with this guy.

2 12

& is the BEST Batman Trilogy. 🦇 🦇 🦇

1 7

This week we started going through the that began with The We’re going to go through them every week, 3 at a time. This week we did and Check it out on or your favorite service

1 3

Happy (?) Mother’s Day; Talia Al Ghul edition

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