I am in search of the most convenient style. I want to show the light and the depth of space, at the same time not to waste a lot of time.
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0 1

also here have a speedpaint (i dont usually do this but wanted to try it out!) speedpaint? timelapse? idk whats it is called lol

1 3

damn this took me hours to do lmao, but here it is!
Nym's ref sheet is done, kinda proud 🫶🏻
idk if anyone would be interested in a speedpaint?

3 8

gasp! Another speedpaint? YES! Best one so far! 🥰 I had a great time learning new shading and color techniques with this one.


5 10


speedpaint?! >:0

1 23

I had a dream about painting with Bob Ross, which later turned into looking out of a window at a beautiful pink nebula in the sky so...
~4 hours. Speedpaint?
(Land forms inspired by Reine, Norway.)

3 7

And for some reason I found out that you can save the process, so...¿a SpeedPaint? It was not with the intention, because I did it quickly, but it looks good

0 1

Literally just a sketch of Dr. Neko. Their scarf is pulled down for once~

Should I post the SpeedPaint?

0 18

6. Legend
This was the really cool idea I had cooked up lol- looks like it worked :))
Also I might post a speedpaint??? I always forget to record these

4 33

第一次嘗試了很多不同的手法 成功的融合成我自己愛爆的畫風 果然用大佬的人設練習也會連帶有會畫畫buff嗎
Maybe next time i will try to record a speedpaint?

0 1

designed an OC not on base😲 Looks wonky but- yk We'll stick with this for now...>w>;; Also a speedpaint??? haven't seen one of those in forever- 👀

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