‘I wish to go beyond the fire that burns me.’

Petrarch, Il Canzoniere (Song Book), sonnet ( 1330-1374)

Léon Spilliaert, 1927

33 99

‘How strange it is to be standing leaning against the current of time.’

W.G. Sebald, Schwindel (Vertigo), 1990

Léon Spilliaert, Vertigo, 1908

86 194

Leon Spilliaert, Venice, (1932)

22 143

‘He speaks truly who speaks the shade.’ - Paul Celan

Speak, You Also | Léon Spilliaert, De duizeling, 1908

67 169

"They dreamed of pursuing her. As they twisted and turned, each of them lost her. After the dream they set out in search of that city; they never found it, but they found one another."
-Italo Calvino, "Cities and Desire"

[Leon Spilliaert, Vertigo, (1908) ht ]

34 94

Léon Spilliaert,
Young girls on the beach (Jeunes femmes à la plage), 1924

3 7

Leon Spilliaert, Hibou, 1918

20 93

Leon Spilliaert, Hibou, 1918

22 88

Leon Spilliaert, Hibou, 1918

39 158

Léon Spilliaert, Les baigneurs, 1917 RT

7 17