A long over due reference remake

Meet...or re-meet... Niyx!
(rest of the group on the way, iiiiiamtired)

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the non splatoon 3, 3 in splatoon 3 clothes
(couldnt fit pip in, so let's say she's off camera)

it's 1 am as writing don't ask

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(trying again)

woah a sona ref!!!

(info in 2nd image ig)

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(sorry i took a while to post this)

whatcha thinking abt

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lazy poster but i just wanted to show these off

all the agents are done aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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idk what to write
have art that's splatoon ig

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(whoops almost uploaded the wrong file)

I give you Amui before i sleep


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i didn't know what to add to this, so i just did something that fits ig

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i swear my new artstyle is just a mixture of my old artstyles-

anyway, I'm trying to speed-draw most of my characters in fully body before i forget how to do it :)

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Mainly made this to show one of my character's redesigns.

I'm honestly proud of how this came out
( •̀ ω •́ )✧

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(There's a lil something in the background. Ima let you find it)

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