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During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @sand0ra 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #inktober #sand0ra #funsquirtle #pokemongo #squirtlefacts #… https://t.co/zYt813H8FL
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @yamasaki_artiste 🎨🌍 an artist from Ecuador! Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #inktober #yamasakiartiste… https://t.co/C7BSfMfmfS
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @the_shining_magikarp 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #shinysquirtle #niantic #inktober #theshiningmagikarp #… https://t.co/Z0dQaOyobm
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @dini_dublong 🎨🌍 an artist and #teamvalor trainer from Indonesia! Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #inkt… https://t.co/8yliqdMdHs
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @littlegirl363 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #inktober #littlegirl363 #funsquirtle #pokemongo #squ… https://t.co/GIUrsWcO6T
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @svnlys 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #shinysquirtle #niantic #inktober #svnlys #funsquirtle #pokemongo #sq… https://t.co/GbBFhKVi5N
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @souoxigenio 🎨🌍 an architecture student and cosplayer from Brazil! Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon niantic #inkt… https://t.co/iXLiwXVfus
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @j.marme 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #inktober #jmarme #funsquirtle #pokemongo #squirtlefacts #s… https://t.co/7iTMjnbpk2
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @joshmckelvey 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #niantic #inktober #joshmckelvey #funsquirtle #pokemongo #squirtlefacts #squirtleart… https://t.co/0NfRj4wMXi
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @ladyadorables 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #niantic #inktober #ladyadorable #funsquirtle #pokemongo #squirtlefacts #squirtlear… https://t.co/WnVCOIcwQg
During 💧 #SquirtleWeek 💧 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @funul 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#squirtle #Pokémon #niantic #inktober #funul #funsquirtle #pokemongo #squirtlefacts #squirtleart #pokemonillus… https://t.co/I89KiW1wGo