Feast Day of St Lucy, Patron of the Blind & those suffering Eyesight Problems...#miracles of new light of restoration & healing. I painted this tribute & a woman in the USA who looked upon it felt healing..

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Feast of St Lucy, Patron Saint of Eye Problems: blessings of healing & protection of eyesight ~ "In her suffering courage we catch sight of the light of faith that no darkness can ever quench." ~

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December 13th is Santa Lucia’s day. My name’s day.
It was the name of my great grandmother from my father’ side. I never got to meet her, but I’ve always loved my name and the meaning of it, bringer of Light.

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Find your special someone! Saints, spirits and heroes all at https://t.co/plGGiSC2UK - affordable, thoughtful gifts for you and your loved ones! 20% off on orders over 10, on orders over 35!

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I was commissioned to create of for an event but didn’t initially know she was a so my first concept of a more cherubic and cartoonish version obviously didn’t fly.

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Light & healing of eyesight problems - through Saint Lucy today

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