😭 想喊... 有手足幫手印咗出嚟 😭

連儂牆旁有明信片收集站,歡迎大家來簽個名寫隻字,佢哋會寄畀 Telegram: https://t.co/kzFXk2ByUn

p.s. 估唔到身在異地都可以出力, 所以大家唔好睇少自己能力, 互勉!

13 30

Everybody let’s do this:
1) Draw yourself standing with Yuli (use the pic)
2) Tag
3) @ someone to do the same!

I tag & (if u have time)
Thx for this idea.
p.s. a protest for today

39 52

Everybody let’s do this:
1) Draw yourself standing with Yuli
2) Tag
3) @ someone else to do the same!

QT or reply this post and I’d retweet your work 👍

I tag & (if you have time, ofc)

65 103