can i get... constant rambling comic starlord...

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In a galaxy far far away on a planet named Staraloo-59 there was a 👑 named STARLORD. He blessed his servants with WLs & discord invites and they paid back with bubblegum mined from the deepest darkest gummy caves of Staraloo-59. He also had sweet shades

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E2 is initially off-putting in its self-congratulatory tone. But it settles down & sheds a new “light” on the galaxy if became Dare I say this episode had heart? Great performances by many of the same actors from live action. I miss

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Some have argued that manga Starlord is better than game Starlord. Some thought the ladder

But brace yourself for Starlord's appearance in the anime! Catch him in the newest episode!

Pretty proud of this one! RTs are greatly appriciated!!

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Me to my daughter: Hey, we found out the baby is a boy!

Daughter: What's his name?

Wife: Ronan.

Daughter: (visibly pouts) awww.

Me: Why? What did you want to name him honey?

Daughter: ₛₜₐᵣₗₒᵣd

Me: What did you say?

Daughter: (sighs) Starlord.

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Would anyone dare to challenge Gina to a dance-off?

(as I type this, I suddenly imagine her having a dance off versus starlord........)

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10 Daily Sketches until Avengers: Infinity War: Peter Quill, Starlord.

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Doodling StarLord. Getting ready for Guardians of the Galaxy later this week. So pumped.

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