Andrew Probert’s practical and stylish wedge design for the Workbee of Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979). Thoughtful design behind this small utility craft. 1/2

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Unused Bob Peak poster concept art for STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE (1979)

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Some docking logistics of the long range shuttle for

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Li'l TMP - Ensign Perez
Starfleet Academy biology drop-out

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Li'l TMP - Rhaandarite Ensign
"And Captain Decker? He's been with the ship every minute of her refitting."

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Petty officer or "Lieut Comm (jr grade)"? The uniforms continue to mystify.

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Relaxing in the hotel following DST surrounded by 'sweet merch', as they say! In the meantime, more from the darker side of Trek with this rich, bleak Gigeresque alt. poster by Christopher Shy.

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