Un feliz y significativo a mis amigos hispanos.

(I should draw a new one, but nothing will ever top this one with all the food, really.)

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estaré subiendo mis dibujos desde los viejitos pero no tan viejitos, hasta los más recientes...
will be uploading my drawings from the old but not so old, to the most recent ...

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Upscaled and remastered one of the scenes from my little game.

Play it here: https://t.co/UdumfUJeeq

11 45

Good Bye To Star Vs the Force of Evil 🥺😭⁦⁦

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Este es de los que mas disfrute hacer porque fue mi personaje favorito de todo

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allow me to assist you, madam
(don't mind me this weird crossover just jump into my mind)

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Here's one of three pieces of fanart I made as a tribute for the ending of SVTFOE. It will forever be in my heart.

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Okay but I loved Eclipsa and Solarias reunion, and that she met Meteora💕 That’s all I needed in life.

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Robię kitki z Star vs the Forces of Evil.

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