Nax // my partner’s greasy junkyard mechanic character from our campaign

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Niels is gonna be running a new SWN campaign soon and I've made a new character for it. He's a Biopsion Xenobiologist Doctor and he's got it bad for aliens. His name is Claudius!

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I never really posted these. They're NPCs for our campaign. Too bad 2 of them didn't get to appear/play a bigger role before we had to end.

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New campaign, new PC. I think I've perfected making my own tokens now.

GM brought in space elves in Stars without Number with the Codex of the Black Sun. Space magic indeed.

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あらあら~~~ またケガしちゃったの?もっと気を付けてくださいよ!

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would be a shame if something bad were to happen shortly thereafter :)

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the gang's all here :D this is also sort of an Among Us au

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New episode! Dicey Performance: Stars Without Number s1ep4 can be heard here:

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New PC for an upcoming Stars without Number campaign. His progressing insanity is due to psychic powers. Used to work as a doc, but is now a min wage medic at an old space ship bc he's running away from alimony & lawsuits

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Tonight on Lee and I will be cutting our chops on developing the system finally, creating our own system w/ aspects of & other gr8 to make our very own system for the ever-growing lore of the CS setting!

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Verona Landis, Esq. - an npc from a SWN campaign I'm in :D

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To demonstr8 its various uses & showcase the set, 2nite on we will be streaming a 2 person show! A hardboiled Private Eye & a sultry Femme fatale in in the cities of Join us to see in action!

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The official release date for is this Saturday before we stream a special oneshot on featuring some non-#fallout uses for the pack!

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Lee & I got silly so we're going to do an impromptu 1on1 stream tonight on & I made some quick that I'll bundle in w/ my tilepack,

Join us!

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kit and cayde from campaign

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Commission for my best friend of her character Zahanna from her Stars Without Number Campaign!!!

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