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2024 Buckle Stats!😃✨
A total of 107 buckles were drawn this year.😃
41 side release buckles, 54 tri-glides, 8 cobra buckles and 4 misc types.😃
37 buckles were contributed by friends' OCs.😙🍻😙 https://t.co/MZe2tjN8ZL

31 229

Magus Design for my Game/Project , poor guys put too many stats in intelligence 😢

608 4832

Oracio's Stats, Pic Unrelated :)

✨1000✨ (10)/10 charisma
4/10 constitution
10/10 dexterity
8/10 intelligence
6/10 strength
9/10 wisdom https://t.co/aqZkFPzLhu

3 64

The Hero⚔️ encounters an enemy!
One of your skills is:
"When the enemy is an older woman. You get +5 buffs to all stats and start the turn with a critical hit💥"

157 1878

Babu! Wawan tu mending pake kagura ato LP sih? LP ku uda R2 sih, cuma kalo statsnya kyk lebih balance pake kagura 🫠

0 2

tehe! furina signature + double hydro hp nya kejar di 32k aja ges, ntar udah cap di 40k (4k pasif wp + 4k double hydro). biar ga jadi diminishing return, fokus ke stats lain

0 3

For me, it's the stats of the food they might never see

2 147

Si no hay sachi, no me interesan la verdad.

No me molestan.

Claro si son de videojuegos que puedo comprar y que estoy jugando no los tolero.

Pero el SAO LR no me llamo la atención y los stats de los enemigos son absurdos y quitan demasiado tiempo

0 0

babu! kabeh bagus tidak untuk di build dan tim f2p nya apa aja? juga stats senjatanya yang diutamakan itu em atau recharge? tia!

0 1

Babu! Kalo disuruh milih kalian bakal milih stats yg mana? Anyway ini hydro resonya on 2 2 nya

0 3

When you class change without enough stats

8 29

Babu! Yanfei butuh em ga sih? Trs prionya stats apaa? Sekalian kalau bisa liat build yanfei kalian dong :D makasiiihh

1 3

I think HG can make gamemode that more difficult without buffing enemy stats by focusing on their ability instead, for example, make this guy revive themselves upon defeat, which mean it gonna explode twice

9 141

Wearing the best looking gear regardless of stats https://t.co/sHvnDFjcaW

22 266

Babu! Sender lagi farming totm malah dispam pf:(
Mana stats & substatsnya bagus-bagus😭
Sender gapunya Eula juga:')
Sayang kalo dibakar 😭😭😭

Kalo kukasih ke dek Emi bisa ga? Kalo ga salah doi mainnya physical kan? Apa bukan?
Atau boleh saranin kasih ke b4 (cont..)

0 8

babu! sender boleh nyontek build si kucing meow meow kirara kalian ga? terus dia stats nya fokus ke apa?

4 42

[Relaxation Time] Event 3★ Asahina Mafuyu
Type: Cool

Max Stats:
Performance - 9100
Technique - 9939
Stamina - 11233

Max Skill: Even Though We're Apart, Our Feelings Are Close to Each Other - 80% score boost for 5 seconds

216 1032

[The Winner Has Been Decided!] Gacha 4★ Tenma Tsukasa [Limited]
Type: Happy

Max Stats:
Performance - 11499
Technique - 9593
Stamina - 10955

Max Skill: A Star-Shaped Handicraft? - Recover 500 life; 100% score boost for 5 seconds

154 1247