Sketch drawn in artstudio pro. This is fast becoming my favourite sketching app

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I had to wait while these cows passed on their way to being milked. Painted in 6 using the delicate on dry watercolour brush

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A very personal portrait of my Grandson Killi and myself. He was born 3 months premature, had a bleed on the brain and caught meningitis. This has left him with lots of challenges, but we love him very much.

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Painting in using the 'Nikko Rull' brush. I met this Austin Powers lookalike while playing a gig at a local pub. Austin was the compere introducing all the acts. I just had to paint him.

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An exercise in light and colour, painted in 6, using default preset brushes.

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Pastel drawing of in using the burnt twig and other charcoal brushes

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I call this one, 'The Pug and the Playstation' painted in using the grunge and turpentine brushes.

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Capturing the soft light in this one. Painted in for the iPad

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Just finished a live stream, painting this digital watercolour in 5. Had a lot of fun and thanks to everyone that came along. I have to say, It really makes you focus.

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