If you want you guys can send me prompts for this ship. Cause man my brain rot came back. You can include endings btw. Some I won't do cause the ending doesn't fit my canon I made up for the endings.

8 35

I caved in and drew my comfort ship.

This is Vh timeline Henry btw. He wears Charles's bandana in memory of him.

15 40

Идея взята у
Да, мои любимые мальчики
Требую больше артов с ними >:3

7 38

Как давно я не рисовала их
Аж душа поёт

20 82

StickPrice but I have no idea what to draw

50 261

Ауеее Revers!AU хд
Хочу потом еще порисовать их хд
Это revers au моих хедов на СтикПрайс

3 20

StickPrice because I love Police&Thief ship dynamic :D

75 434