Back to the starting point of story first character.

"The highest chief executive in the kingdom Mr. Stoneflomks is the chairman of the Board, he has the power, the policy, the cultural execution out of order in kingdom the Congress. " 📖

It begin this part I have to upload.

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Fuur was friend with stoneflomks as the consortium directors youngest of them all, one of staff fuur has been artificial intelligence branch in charge of programming central servers, in early period kingdom revolution "boundary war" his friend was commandement continental -

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His angelize
As if his angelize antithesis of demon in appear, another self embodied in stoneflomks own disposition aswell him since white furry looks beauty, his face is not ugliness no even more fiendish look toward the look of justice undoubtedly he also god shining inquisitor

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Part 1 : Highly Secret
Dr. Penelope lead to Stoneflomks with the red army the whole of top secret in the freyja science she told they even though an triangular spacecraft, if they weren't no stealth spaceship the midst of director of devildomover might to shooting down their -

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The highest chief executive in the kingdom Mr. Stoneflomks is the chairman of the Board, he has the power, the policy, the cultural execution out of order in kingdom the Congress.

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Two universes we're together.
Chairman Stoneflomks establish another the technique hold on Freyja Science and polytechnic, the legendary of hyperspace spatial portal were undeveloped by hyper formidable physicsist Dr. Dolman from space other leave for assist the kingdom of Flore.

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