“Ghoul is in the Heart” also known as “the lonesome stranger”#ThrowbackThursday

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Garfield debuted in 41 newspapers in 1978. Today, it appears in 2,600 newspapers with a readership of 260 million!


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A bolt of lightning can measure up to three million volts, and it lasts less than one second! ⚡🌩


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June bugs are most active in June. During the day they hide in trees, but at night they tend to swarm and are strongly attracted to light.


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Bats can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour and often consume their body weight in insects every night, helping keep bug populations in check. Thank you bats! 🦇


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This holiday, Våffeldagen, originated in Sweden. Celebrate by eating some delicious waffles!


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The origin of the word is not known, but according to some historians, the expression may have come about as an abbreviation of the term “orl korrekt” in the US in the late 1800's 👌


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Today's ho'iday is based on a Christmas pun: "No L" = "Noel"
So do your best to e'iminate this particu'ar 'etter from your 'ife today. Good 'uck!


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Today is dedicated to looking back on the stupid toys of your childhood & remembering the stupid fun they inspired


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Mix up yourself a nice mug of hot chocolately drink to celebrate ☕



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Today's holiday is based on Candace Christiansen's children's book, Mitten Tree. Celebrate by reading the book, or donating mittens to those in need.


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Good old Chuck!
Today celebrates Charles Schulz's birth on November 26, 1922, and his endearing comic strip Peanuts.


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"Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." - Ralph Waldo Emerson ⚘🌿🌻


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