The loose yet deliberate strokes of student Beverly’s Prismacolor sketch come together to create such a stunning self-portrait!⁠

Artwork by Beverly R. (Ryman ’22)⁠


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Happy ! Here’s a cute lil merkitty for you. I’m going to try to participate this year but I am also super busy so I may not be able to go day for day. Are you participating in mermay?

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シンプルなデザインも洗練されてる感じがしてよくないですか?( *´艸`)♡

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Do you have your February the month. It possibly should have been called in love and war... Pigeons such interesting and surprising birds. If you would like to see what I have gathered together this bird of the month you can receive it free of charge if you subscribe to stu…

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Morning view. A cup of strong black coffee and towards my studio. I have a few projects for which I need to really concentrate. It's the phase of creating, where I'm half-excited, half-terrified, as the project coild go now either way... I would rather work without any distu…

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Uninterrupted marble slabs make luxury statements framing windows and wrapping walls, floors, and a large built-in console behind a free-standing tub. Gorgeous in our Contemporary French Chateau. Interior design and architectural detailing by Regina Stu…

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昔は四コマ漫画雑誌にかなり助けられたけど今はそんなことも無くなったからやっぱり出版業界って斜陽産業なのかなって思った話 - CLIP STU…

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It's a WRAP! Malika: Warrior Queen Part One has been sent to print! 😎😎😀😀🙌🙌🎉🎉 This graphic novel definitely has stu…

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Original Large Abstract painting 24 X 48 Inches-by Artist JMJartstu…

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Walruses in space
My take for the Feb doodle challenge.

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in one of my earlier SpeedPaintings done in Manga Studio (Clip Stu…

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