Can someone pls be my sugar daddeh and give me money to buy League skins and never use them?
In return you get a needy little btch but can draw, sing, write, act, speak 2 languages, and is tiktok famous. Pls

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Un dibujito de Toni y su Sugar Daddy 😉🥵😏🔥.
P. D yo quiero uno XD 🔥

0 23

Que opinan les gusta el coloreado plano?
No lo suelo usar mucho
Viejo sabroso el coronel y su pollo KFC

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Daisuke Kambe 💵💵💵💵💵💵 el sugar daddy

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I did an oopsie and now I'm horny on main 😳👌🏽
Btw. Meet Bastian ♥

1 7

El es Don Miguel es el papá de Austin y Justin (mis chispitas) y es un sugar daddy, literal Porque el es azucar ya que las chispas de colores están echas de azucar XD

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Sir, idk how to tell you this... but that’s not me in this photo. It’s not even a photo... it’s a drawing I just created. Also you’re in a hospital bed 😂😭

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