- LEN! How many more do you command!
- Do you count how many slices of bread you've eaten?

Who's ? He's my rigging papa! Perhaps the papa in the world? Rarely spoken to him but it only takes 2 words and a head nod to understand his love.

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Can we save the world? Not until we get that BREAD!☝️☝️
Imy is a magical girl who is going to save our world from ruin. She is like a big sister to everyone and that goes triple for me. If you like sonic games go become a starbit now!!

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One day I hope to inspire someone the same way you inspired me.

Maki is a bunny girl now, but don't let her new design distract you. She's a great artist and I wish I could draw half as good as she can. Go follow them they're really spectacular!

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Ma~ Your world sure does have alot of hot weirdos...
: I barely even started bb!

Fun fact! Ma drew my model after she reverse isekai'd from an otome. She's often sick, but if she wasn't I'd probably never hear the end of all of her crazy routes.

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I thought you stopped biting people! ACK!

Leafy is a one of a kind gremlin, as she always bullies me but I manage to stay strong! If she were in this story I would do everything I could to make sure she doesn't become my coworker...

Love her tho~

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So if you're a robot frog, do you eat bugs AND drink oil? What do you mean you don't like bugs?!

KK is an AI with many talents. If I had as many talents as they did I'd probably go mad with power. Let's be glad we left the power to the AI.

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we mustn't... Not without POSING!

You don't know Taako? Don't worry she'll change her name in a week or two. But for now she's a kraken vtuber.

Her catchphrase is: "What's a Kraken?!?"

She's my special bean and in my lore she works for OSHA.

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you're crushing my neck!!

If you don't already know Midori is a cyborg vtuber. She's got a metal arm but a soft heart.

We have the same VTuber mama and if she was in my lore they'd totes be my senpai.


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