Habis beli brush segambreng gambreng, trus experiment sana sini jadilah ini si uji versi hooman, jelek banget astaga tapi yaudalaya adanya ini sayang ga di upload🫠🫠🫠, gamau add taglist soalnya maloe🤡///tapi upload gimanasi*yasukasukagwehdong

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"I'm already as happy as I can be"

Chtholly Nota Seniorious redraw! Been awhile since I last drew her so wanted to give her a try again!

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Cover illustrations for the compilation Blu-ray BOX of the anime, "Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii Desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desu ka? (SukaSuka)", including all 12 episodes of the series, on sale September 28, 2022.

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NGNL min... ;w; )
terus mungkin
Psycome, Sukasuka, The Unwanted Undead Adventurer

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Avis sur ce parallèle ? Moi jdis chapeau à l'auteur de SukaSuka

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SukaSuka V1 ✅️
Une bonne introduction, sur pas mal de plans.
Des éléments qui intriguent, intéressent, un début réussi

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I’m starting sukasuka I’ve been meaning to read this tell me if you wanna be @

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Haven't read it myself but it's been recommended to me so I plan on checking it out soon.
And I still think you should try SukaSuka Anime at least. Or read. Your choice.

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Seeing SukaSuka Appreciation you love to see it 👏

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es de mi agrado informar que .... me salió una mona china alv xd
Asi que con su permiso, me voy a ver un anime que me destrozará emocionalmente, cuídense

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Grupo 96:
-Yosuga No Sora
-Saihate No Paladin
-Mawaru Penguindrum

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Por andar curiosa buscando imágenes. Dije me gusta buscar llege al anime y manga xD y procedí a verlo

D gray man
Jujutsu kaisen

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SukaSuka Vol 2
Another good volume. Kutori (Chtholly?) is definitely my uncontested favorite character. We learned a lot about the world and the end was really sweet

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9-Honzuki no Gekokujou
10-Kimi à Boku no Saigo no Senjou
11-Shinigami ni Sodaterareta Shoujo
12-Sukasuka serie

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