14 156

Now that my second OTP Sunumbra is canon 🤭💖✨ i know what things i should do with them.

For instance, i will change SB's status in my AU and other things.

7 40

Debo decirles, aun con lo que ha pasado las últimas semanas, aunque haya bromeado al respecto desde el principio, ni un instante consideré el SunUmbra canon.
Hasta este momento, y aún tengo mis dudas

En fin ¡SunUmbra canon!☀️🌙
Ahora puedo decirlo y creerlo de verdad

19 170

Oigan Alan saco un nuevo cómic de como Sunblast y Curie rescatan a penumbra. Dejo link.


(Imagen para llamar la atención y porque me dió mucha risa AJSJAJ)

7 42

i just realized i never named her, sunumbra child my beloved ⛅💛

0 15

some old designs of penny and sunumbra fanchild, Comet (as gods)

i kinda hate all of these lol but i thought i would post it anyway

2 15

Humanoid Mouse-Girl Curie, who was raised in a lab and now adopted by Penumbra

6 38

This old sketch may finally get out of my dusty galery and see the light of day

21 84

Day 6 - Moment of mutual understaning
Heed ruined both of their lives and we all know it

8 69

Day 3 and 4 - Gift/Embarrassing Moment
When she HAS to document everything on Insta

13 81

Day 2 - Working Routine
Dare I say girlboss and malewife

17 80

Day 1 - Fluff
Back when she started getting through to him

16 76

For the same campaign I actually refurbished another yordle OC I have, her name is Sunumbra, and she’s the targonian aspect of the eclipse(a custom aspect I’m working on still)

0 6

Dusk till down - PART II - If i were to meet you, where would it be?
SB: "Hey, why don't you smile? It's starting to rain now"
SB:" You know.... i never got to tell you..but i really liked you...."

2 15