aahh.. 99 additional followers ..thank you!

ruff color from a b/w panel of the comix.. still available on https://t.co/z4nA592eFo

Ex-deputy Rollins drags an unconscious by the hair..

16 168

Last posted on Tumblr: Musashi lands a bearhug on Pete! Ruff color and linework over the original scanned unfinished page. From the still WIP Sumo comix Vol[?]

8 128

2021!! First pose of the new year!
color ruffs of 2 line panels from Vol.1. Getting ready for his bath strips down his pants. 🤠

19 162

1901 followers! Thanks to all who followed and to the new ones.
Pete lands on the bottom slope and sees he's near his prize! Tired and dehydrated, he trudges towards the waterhole.
color on ruff pages of Bloody Carcass. Still WIP.

33 233

After crawling for hours Pete has finally chanced on an open waterhole. But the slope he's on gives in to his weight and he drops downward.
color on ruff pages of Bloody Carcass. old ballpened pages from 1992. Comix still WIP.

26 252

classic page from 1992 ... from the series still WIP..

regains consciousness and sees what a state his left with..

4 73

another regular tumblr post:
grabs by the hair and readies to plant a haymaker on his mug!

7 80