Vou fazer DUAS ESTAMPAS exclusivas + a estampa dos superfriends, MAS eu ainda não fiz e nem tenho ideias

ENTÃO ME DÊEM IDEIAS DE ESTAMPAS, até o final do dia de hoje: (As mais curtidas serão levadas em consideração)

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Super Powers, and even a Super Villain trying to claim the power for his own. Shop the selection of retro figures at https://t.co/Sg6kXcyk9a!

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The famous Garcia-Lopez licensing book DID indeed try to push Plastic-Man; there was a cartoon AND a syndicated show where an actor played Plas. Superfriends, more than the Filmation series, made Aquaman a household name -- it was on for 10+ years, featuring him prominently.

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Today, after “The Ballad of Kite Man,” “Superfriends,” and “The Beach,” wraps up his iconic time on this Batman title.

But here at the end, we start again. Coming soon, the most ambitious project I’ve tried: Bat/Cat.

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