One of Batman's most useful gadgets is his proximity range detector. The tiny device sends a signal when someone is within his physical range, making it all but impossible to get the drop on the Dark Knight, even with powers.

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Green Arrow and Flash's power combo turned Oliver Queen into a Superman-level threat. Flash was able to lend Green Arrow the velocity of his top speed, allowing Ollie's perfectly placed projectiles to land with infinite mass - enough to kill a god.

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ONE-STAR SQUADRON, beginning in December by and , is everything I love about comics!

Main “Superman-Level Service at Bizarro Prices” cover by plus a variant by !

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Day 4: Adam Bernard Brashear aka BLUE MARVEL! Can’t wait for the day that the world finds out Marvel has a Superman-level black man in their universe that can fight Hyperion one on one and one hitter quitter Hulk. Somebody get on the phone  

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